Building A Pathway for Coordinated, Affordable Employer-Sponsored Primary Care
Building A Pathway Webinar Agenda 091721.pdf (161.66 KB)Webinar: Building A Pathway for Coordinated, Affordable Employer-Sponsored Primary Care
Monday, September 20th, 2021
3:00-4:00 pm ET
A majority of Americans have health care coverage through their employer’s sponsored insurance programs. Yet, despite investing in numerous reform initiatives to lower costs and improve care, employer plans face pervasive challenges to provide affordable, personalized care that helps employees and their families manage their health. To address this challenge, more employers are working now to build partnerships with health care provider organizations that focus on advanced primary care. These organizations have built care models based on team-based, data-driven care that meets employees where they are, and builds relationships with specialists and with community organizations to make sure they get the care they need. These collaborations are making advanced primary care the cornerstone of efforts to advance accountable care, health equity, innovation, affordability, and system transformation.
Join us to discuss how employers are taking a more proactive role to ensure affordable, accessible, equitable care for employees, and how their leadership, together with public-sector efforts from the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation and others, can improve health care outcomes and value.
Click here to read the companion paper to this event.
Featured Speakers:
Dan Mendelson, CEO, Morgan Health
Mark McClellan, Director, Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy
Elizabeth Fowler, Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation
Elizabeth Carpenter, Head of Advisory Services, Avalere