Leveraging Diagnostic Stewardship to Advance Appropriate Diagnostic Use

Leveraging Diagnostic Stewardship to Advance Appropriate Diagnostic Use - screenshot of first page

Issue Brief

Leveraging Diagnostic Stewardship to Advance Appropriate Diagnostic Use

Executive Summary

This brief emphasizes the importance of incorporating diagnostic stewardship into existing antimicrobial stewardship programs and discusses strategies that federal policymakers, hospital systems, and other stakeholders can adopt to support diagnostic stewardship. Additionally, this brief offers strategies to advance diagnostic stewardship within health system policies and practices, incentivize diagnostic stewardship through coverage and payments, advance guidelines for diagnostic stewardship, support research to improve diagnostic stewardship, and strengthen the role and influence of public health authorities.


Read the full issue brief here.

Duke-Margolis Authors

Cameron Joyce

Cameron Joyce, MPA

Senior Policy Analyst

Image of Nicholas Harrison

Nicholas R. Harrison, MPH, MA

Policy Research Associate