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September 17, 2020

AI-Enabled Medical Software: How to Harness Benefits and Mitigate Risks

AI-Enabled Software--benefits and risks

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News Update August 9, 2019

Anderson Comments on Current "Copper" Plan Proposals on the Health Affairs Blog

Today on the Health Affairs Blog, Duke-Margolis' David Anderson explains why current catastrophic...

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News Update March 25, 2019

The application of digital technology in China is worth learning

In an exclusive interview with China Fortune Network at the China Development Forum in 2019, Mark...

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Current State and Near-Term Priorities for AI-Enabled Diagnostic Support Software in Health Care

News Update January 23, 2019

Current State and Near-Term Priorities for AI-Enabled Diagnostic Support Software in Health Care

Artificial intelligence (AI) systems and applications is now poised to disrupt healthcare, with the...

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