Operations Team

Operations Team

In Alphabetical Order

Gabriel Albors Headshot

Gabriel Albors, MS

Senior Project Manager, Research and Operations

Sevy Buchan headshot

Sevy Buchan

Administrative Assistant to the Director

Catherine Dougherty Headshot

Catherine Dougherty

Human Resources Manager

Luke Durocher Headshot

Luke Durocher

Senior Events and Marketing Manager

Amanda McBroom

Amanda McBroom, PhD

Director of Operations

Lauren McCrary headshot

Lauren McCrary

Associate Director of Development

Beverly Perkins Headshot

Beverly Perkins

Administrative Assistant

Martha Requard Headshot

Martha Requard

Executive Assistant to Dr. Mark McClellan

Sophie's headshot, where she stands on a bridge overlooking a forest and wears a black turtleneck and a long necklace. She has shoulder-length brown hair and glasses.

Sophie Rose, MA, MBA

Operations Coordinator

Hannah Vitiello Headshot

Hannah Vitiello, MA

Senior Communications Specialist

Erik's headshot, where he stands on a bridge overlooking a sunny forest and wears a black, long-sleeved shirt.

Erik Wurst

Financial Manager