Dr. McBroom is the Director of Operations at the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy and the Program Manager of the Evidence Synthesis Group/ Evidence-based Practice Center at the Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI). She received her undergraduate degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Oklahoma State University and her doctorate in Biochemistry from the Duke University Medical Center as a James B. Duke Graduate Fellow.
In her post-graduate career, Dr. McBroom has pursued progressive roles in multidisciplinary project and program management. Her areas of operational management expertise include Phase II-III clinical trials in vaccines, women’s health, and infectious disease therapeutics; secondary data analysis; comparative effectiveness assessment; decision modeling; and evidence synthesis. Her recent work has included studies assessing strategies for diagnosis and treatment of both acute and chronic conditions, with end products of summary reports to inform decision making by clinical guideline committees, healthcare providers, policymakers, and patients. Her role within Duke-Margolis spans financial and business operations, resource management, program and project management oversight, and strategic development.
BS in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Honors College Degree, Oklahoma State University
PhD in Biochemistry, Duke University Medical Center