Cynthia Dong is a junior at Duke University pursuing a self-designed degree entitled "Health Disparities: Causes and Policy Solutions." Cynthia is a Margolis Scholar and is currently researching telehealth disparities with Dr. Janet Bettger and Dr. Rebecca Whitaker. Her project involves identifying vulnerable populations and contributing research to help inform NC Medicaid policy. She is greatly interested in understanding what causes social inequality and how it contributes to health inequity. She hopes to use the knowledge she gleans from her program of study to create effective health policy solutions. At Duke, Cynthia is the costume manager and choreographer for Duke Chinese Dance, a Help Desk Community Resource Navigator, a Death and Dying class facilitator, involved in the Mental Health Caucus, and an undergraduate research assistant in the West Lab. She also works as a crisis counselor for Crisis Text Line. In the future, Cynthia plans to pursue an MD/MPH and continue combatting health inequity. As a Margolis Intern, Cynthia worked on gaining a better understanding of health care transformation and as a Margolis Scholar, Cynthia is eager to work with others invested in creating a more equitable healthcare landscape and learn the policy skills to make that a reality.
Margolis Internship Program - Work & Deliverables
2021 Intern TedTalk
2021 Summer Research Symposium Presentation