Nikhil Gadiraju

Nikhil Gadiraju

Margolis Summer Interns

Nikhil Gadiraju


Class of 2023

Nikhil is a rising second-year undergraduate student from Apex, North Carolina attending Duke university with the intent to major in Biomedical Engineering. His scientific passion lies in understanding the applications of technology and engineering in the field of medicine. As an aspiring physician, Nikhil continues to learn that providing the best medical care to patients involves not only health care work and medical innovations, but also key decisions made by teams of researchers and policy makers. Through the valuable opportunity provided by the Margolis Internship, he hopes to research and learn more about the processes and tools used in defining and implementing the health policies that impact the lives of others. Through this experience, he is also excited to explore the impact of science on the society we live in. Outside of my academics and research, Nikhil enjoys playing ultimate Frisbee with Duke Brimstone and volunteering in his local community.