Comment Letter
Comment Letter on Medicare Program; Request for Information on Medicare Advantage Data (CMS-4207-NC)
Dear Administrator Brooks-LaSure;
The Robert J. Margolis, MD Institute for Health Policy at Duke University (Duke-Margolis Institute) appreciates this opportunity to comment on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS or the Agency) request for information (RFI) on Medicare Advantage (MA) Data. The RFI provides an opportunity to build on CMS’ continued work to engage with stakeholders and on opportunities to asses and strengthen MA. In particular, opportunities to enhance data capabilities in MA, building off stakeholder feedback on a 2022 RFI on various aspects of MA, including the availability of comprehensive, high-quality data and promoting transparency through public releases of MA data, all of which are important given the continued growth in MA and comporting steps the Agency is taking to modernize its research data assets. Our comments aim to build off our response to the 2022 RFI, focusing on opportunities to improve access to MA data and highlighting areas where additional data can support the provision of higher quality, more person-centered care to MA beneficiaries.
Duke-Margolis Authors

Rachel Bonesteel, MS
Senior Policy Analyst

Montgomery Smith, MPH
Policy Research Associate

Frank McStay, MPA
Assistant Research Director

Robert Saunders, PhD
Senior Research Director, Health Care Transformation
Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty