Policy Brief
Policy Agenda Brief on Opportunities for Expanding Home-Based Care for Medicare Beneficiaries
Published date
This policy agenda brief synthesizes research conducted by the Duke-Margolis Center to provide policy recommendations to increase access to home-based care for people with complex medical and social needs. This work was motivated by the significant policy opportunity right now to provide home-based care for millions of people in the United States, particularly individuals that are unable to receive health and health-related services in an office or facility setting due to health and functional limitations. Recommendations outline short-term policy reforms for Medicare beneficiaries that can help simplify and align existing payment and care delivery models to achieve comprehensive, home-based care that addresses the needs of the whole person.
This policy brief is part of the "Leveraging Payment Reforms to Transform and Expand Home-Based Care for People with Complex Health Needs" project.
Affiliated Margolis Staff
Jonathan Gonzalez-Smith, MPAff
Assistant Research Director
Montgomery Smith, MPH
Senior Policy Analyst
William K. Bleser, PhD, MSPH
Research Director, Health Care Transformation for Social Needs and Health Equity
Senior Team Member
Anti-Racism and Equity Committee Member
Robert Saunders, PhD
Senior Research Director, Health Care Transformation
Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty