North Carolina Medicare-Medicaid Integration: Advancing Whole-Person Care
NC Medicare Medicaid Integration Webinar Agenda - 10.24.22.pdf (19.01 KB)
North Carolina is in the midst of a major shift from fee-for-service to Medicaid managed care and other value-based care transformation efforts. As part of these reforms, North Carolina is required to integrate care for dual-eligible beneficiaries within five years of Medicaid managed care launch. The Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy, with support from Arnold Ventures, has developed potential options for Medicare-Medicaid integration in the state.
· Present proposed vision, goals, and potential options for Medicare-Medicaid integration in North Carolina.
· Discuss challenges, opportunities, and lessons learned from Medicare-Medicaid integration efforts
Duke-Margolis Planning Team

Aparna Higgins
Senior Policy Advisor

Brystana Kaufman, MSPH, PhD
Assistant Professor, Population Health Sciences
Margolis Core Faculty

Samantha Repka, MS
Research Associate

Montgomery Smith, MPH
Policy Research Associate

Corinna Sorenson, PhD, MHSA, MPH
Faculty Director of Undergraduate and Graduate Studies
Senior Advisor and Founding Director, Margolis Scholars Program
Assistant Professor in Population Health Sciences and Public Policy
Margolis Core Faculty
Anti-Racism and Equity Committee Member