North Carolina’s Healthy Opportunities Pilots: A Medicaid Managed Care Program to Address Social Needs
NC Healthy Opportunities Pilots Public Meeting Agenda and Speaker Bios 7.28.22 2.pdf (299.06 KB)
North Carolina’s Healthy Opportunities Pilots:
A Medicaid Managed Care Program to Address Social Needs
Implementation Lessons and Policy Recommendations from
Planning, Capacity-building, and Early Implementation
Meeting Objectives:
- Disseminate practical cross-cutting themes from the planning, capacity-building, and early implementation periods of the Healthy Opportunities Pilots, including successes, lessons learned, challenges encountered, and innovative solutions for overcoming challenges.
- Discuss with policymakers, researchers, evaluators, implementation leaders, and frontline providers their experiences over the past two years—and thoughts on the future of the program.
- Help leaders from North Carolina—as well as from other states, payers, and settings considering similar models—to “see around corners” by discussing timely implementation and policy considerations for maximizing Medicaid managed care to address social needs moving forward.
Support for this event was provided by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
The views expressed in this event do not necessarily reflect the views of the foundation
Duke-Margolis Planning Team

Katie Huber, MPH
Policy Research Associate

Robert Saunders, PhD
Senior Research Director, Health Care Transformation
Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty

Rebecca Whitaker, PhD, MSPH
Research Director, North Carolina Health Care Transformation
Core Faculty Member
Senior Team Member