News Update
Duke-Margolis Welcomes Summer Interns
Duke-Margolis welcomed interns for Summer 2018 the first week in June.
Thanks to all of our faculty and staff mentors. We are pleased to welcome the interns to the team and to hear more about their projects as they develop.
Dorothy Alexis
Dorothy is a rising senior at Duke University majoring in African and African American Studies and minoring in Global Health and Chemistry. She plans to pursue her Master’s in Public Health upon graduation. Alexis is working with Bradi Granger on various projects surrounding community health and care coordination, with an emphasis on patient-centered health and chronic diseases.
Summer Anderson
Summer is currently completing her MPH at East Carolina University, with a concentration in Leadership and Health Administration. She is interested in interdisciplinary and systems-oriented approaches to understanding and addressing research-practice gaps. She will be working with Janet Bettger to conduct preliminary work on the research-practice-policy gaps related to Transitional Care Management (TCM). This work will support the development of a proposal for external funding. Summer also works on a variety of projects within the Durham VA Medical Center and VISN 6 Mental Illness Research Education and Clinical Center (MIRECC).
Kayla Carlisle
Kayla is a rising junior at Duke University majoring in Public Policy, minoring global health and chemistry and is pre-medicine. She plans to attend medical school upon graduation. Kayla is working with Charlene Wong on a project using NC Medicaid Data to analyze pediatric behavioral health. She is also working with Gillian Sanders Schmidler to look at the effect of changing analytic perspectives in decision analytic models about the relative value of different strategies across several therapeutic areas.
Hannah Crook
Hannah is a rising senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, majoring in Health Policy and Management and Economics, with a minor in Spanish. She will be working with Rob Saunders to examine how Accountable Care Organizations can successfully fulfill the healthcare needs of individuals with serious illnesses.
Felicia Guo
Felicia is a rising sophomore at Duke University planning to major in Global Health and Sociology. She hopes to attend medical school after graduation. Felicia is working with Bradi Granger on multiple projects regarding community health and care coordination specifically in Durham by looking at chronic diseases disproportionately affecting Durham communities and evaluating methods to improve patient-centered health.
Kushal Kadakia
Kushal Kadakia is a rising senior studying biology and public policy at Duke University. He is working with Mark McClellan and Krishna Udayakumar on projects studying the translation of international health innovations to the US context. Kushal previously interned for the policy team in the North Carolina Governor's Office where he worked on Medicaid reform, and also served as a research assistant for Duke-Margolis projects with the Commonwealth Fund, the Health Foundation, and the World Innovation Summit for Health, and Bass Connections.
Corinne Mayle
Corinne is a rising junior at Duke University majoring in Public Policy Studies and Global Health Studies. She is working with Barak Richman, conducting research for his book, which will apply theories of organizational innovation to the health sector. She is interested in examining how changes to the American health system can increase access to care
Jakob Oury
Jakob Oury is a rising junior and student athlete at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, majoring in Exercise and Sport Science. He plans on going to medical school upon graduation. Jakob is working with Yousuf Zafar on research aimed at improving the care delivery and insurance aspects of cancer treatment.
Sarah Perez
Sarah is a rising junior at Duke University who is majoring in Neuroscience with minors in Chemistry and Global Health. This summer, she will be interning at the Washington, DC office through the DukeEngage in DC program. She will be working with Andrea Thoumi on the center's global health policy portfolio and with the center's events and communication team to create an evaluation program for the Center's public events.
Pete Polonsky
Pete is interning in the Washington, DC office through DukeEngage. From Winston-Salem, NC, he is a rising junior at Duke, majoring in Public Policy Studies with a minor in Economics and a certificate in Science & Society. He will be working with Morgan Romine on a project within biomedical innovation and evidence development. He will also be completing a research project for the center's events and communication team to benchmark outreach efforts at peer institutions.
Aneesha Raj
Aneesha is a rising sophomore at Duke University double majoring in Biology and Global Health, and plans to attend medical school after graduation. She is a member of Duke’s 2018 class of Huang Fellows, an initiative for undergraduate students that aims to integrate ethics, policy, and social implications into scientific research opportunities. This summer, she is working with Bradi Granger’s team on various projects centered around community health and care coordination, with an emphasis on patient-centered health and chronic disease management.
Sahil Sandhu
Sahil is a rising junior at Duke University pursuing a self-designed degree in “Health Innovation: Evidence to Impact.” He studies the use of evidence-based practice to design, implement, and evaluate new health innovations. He is working on a research team led by Andrea Thoumi to identify accountable care solutions from abroad that address delivery and financing challenges. The project aims to use these global lessons to design an integrated solution that domestic implementation partners could pilot.
Kanan Shah
Kanan just graduated from Yale University with a degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology. She is working on a research team led by oncologist Yousuf Zafar to ease the burden of the cost of cancer care through mobile applications for patients. Kanan is excited to return home and spend time on Duke’s campus.
Disha Subramaniam
Disha is a M.A. Candidate in Bioethics and Science Policy. She graduated last year from UC Berkeley with majors in Economics and Molecular & Cell Biology and is interested in the role of health economics and real-world outcomes in value-based healthcare. This summer, Disha is working with Shelby Reed at the Duke Clinical Research Institute on her Value of Hope project. The project seeks to understand the value cancer patients place on treatments with different distributions of expected outcomes for survival. Disha is working with Dr. Reed’s team at DCRI to design and administer a survey to quantitatively model the value of hope in cancer care.
Eugene Wang
Eugene is a rising sophomore at Duke University currently undecided about his major but interested in Economics, Public Policy, and Computer Science. This summer, he is working with Gavin Yamey on a project looking into the pipeline of drug candidates for emerging infections with pandemic potential. The goal of the project will be to estimate the cost of bringing such medications to fruition and comparing it to current funding from governments, industry, and public-private partnerships.
Gary Wang
Gary is a rising senior at Duke majoring in Neuroscience and Health Policy, with a minor in Chemistry. He is interested in issues of cost and quality in health care and plans to pursue an MD/MBA after graduation, with the hopes of serving patients through both clinical and administrative work. Gary is working with Charlene Wong on projects related to child health in Medicaid, as well as Gillian Sanders Schmidler on exploring value-based care from various analytic perspectives.