Nancy Allen LaPointe

Nancy Allen Lapointe

Core Faculty

Nancy Allen LaPointe

Dr. Allen LaPointe is Adjunct Associate Professor in Medicine and Faculty Fellow at the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy at Duke University. She is a researcher and cardiovascular clinical pharmacist with extensive experience in health outcomes and health services research, evidence synthesis, medication management, and the protection of human research subjects. Her clinical and research work has been focused on patient safety, predominately in patients with cardiovascular disease. This includes work in reducing medication errors, improving medication adherence, safely and effectively translating evidence into clinical practice, comparing safety and effectiveness of therapeutics, evaluating risk communication and mitigation strategies, and exploring the interface between health policy and patient safety.

Villani V, Bertuzzi L, Butler G, Eliason P, Roberts JW, DePasquale N, et al. Provision of transplant education for patients starting dialysis: Disparities persist. Heliyon. 2024 Sep 15;10(17):e36542.

Bollinger B, Doraszelski U, Judd KL, McDevitt RC. The timing and location of entry in growing markets: subgame perfection at work. RAND Journal of Economics. 2024 Jun 1;55(2):169–98.

Pearson K, League R, Kent M, McDevitt R, Fuller M, Jiang R, et al. Rogers' diffusion theory of innovation applied to the adoption of sugammadex in a nationwide sample of US hospitals. Br J Anaesth. 2023 Oct;131(4):e114–7.