Steven Patierno PhD

Steven Patierno

Core Faculty

Steven Patierno, PhD


PhD, University of Texas Medical School at Houston

Dr. Patierno's current translational research interests are focused on the genomics molecular biology of cancer disparities, cancer biology, molecular pharmacology and targeted experimental therapeutics to control prostate, breast and lung tumor aggressiveness. He is an internationally recognized expert in cancer control, cancer causation and molecular carcinogenesis, which includes a broad spectrum of laboratory and population level research.   He is also actively engaged in cancer health disparities and healthcare delivery research focused on patient navigation, survivorship, community-based interventions, mHealth, implementation sciences, cancer care economics, and policy.

Drake C, Hinz EM, Granger BB, Granados I, Rader A, Pitcher A, et al. Implementation of NCCARE360, a Digital Statewide Closed-Loop Referral Platform to Improve Health and Social Care Coordination: Evidence from the North Carolina COVID-19 Support Services Program. North Carolina Medical Journal. 2024 Jan 1;85(2):134–42.

Drake C, Rader A, Clipper C, Haney M, Bulgin D, Cameron B, et al. Adaptation to Telehealth of Personalized Group Visits for Late Stage Diabetic Kidney Disease. Kidney360. 2023 Dec 1;4(12):1708–16.

Wang SM, Hogg HDJ, Sangvai D, Patel MR, Weissler EH, Kellogg KC, et al. Development and Integration of Machine Learning Algorithm to Identify Peripheral Arterial Disease: Multistakeholder Qualitative Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Sep 21;7:e43963.