Core Faculty
Tyson Brown, PhD
Focus Areas
PhD, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
MA, University of Florida
Tyson H. Brown is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Duke University, where he holds the W.L.F. endowed chair. His program of research examines the who, when, and how questions regarding racial inequities in wealth and health.
Dr. Brown is currently working on several projects that investigate macro-level factors and psychosocial mechanisms that underlie social inequalities in health. The first project is on the conceptualization and measurement of structural racism and its effects on population health. The second project uses robust analytic techniques to quantify the contributions of structurally-rooted socioeconomic adversity and stress processes to racial inequities in health.
Dr. Brown has served on the Board of Directors of the Population Association of America as well as on the editorial boards of top journals such as Social Forces, Demography, Social Psychology Quarterly, and the Journal of Health and Social Behavior. Brown also founded and co-organizes Duke’s Writing and ReseArch Productivity (WRAP) Group, which aims to promote excellence in scholarship and support Black faculty by creating protected writing time and a space that enhances faculty inclusion.