International Harmonization of Real World Evidence Standards Dashboard

International Harmonization of Real World Evidence Standards Dashboard

Since 2018, the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy’s Real-World Evidence (RWE) Collaborative has convened stakeholders representing medical product developers, data companies, payers, research groups, providers, patient networks, as well as experts on regulatory affairs, law, health and data science, and policy, with a shared goal and interest to advance RWE policy. This effort includes convening stakeholders who hold shared goals to advance RWE policy among international agencies, health technology assessment bodies, and regulators. With ongoing support from our RWE Collaborative members, the Duke-Margolis RWE policy research team developed the International Harmonization of Real World Evidence Standards Dashboard with the primary goal of helping internationally-focused RWE policy stakeholders track, in one place, relevant and timely regulatory guidance, frameworks, international harmonization documents, and more.

Share your suggestions or potential updates for the Dashboard by contacting Maryam Nafie or Valerie Parker.

To learn more about the Duke-Margolis RWE Collaborative and RWE research portfolio, contact Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup.

We would like to acknowledge Eric Monson, Ph.D., within the Duke University Libraries’ Center for Data and Visualization Sciences for advising and assisting our project team in the development of this Dashboard.

Hover over the three icons at the bottom right to share a link to the Dashboard, download it, or view it in full-screen mode.

The documents listed below are non-guidance documents from regulatory agencies that include RWE related strategy documents, reports and frameworks.


Publications citing our dashboard: 

Last updated: 3/24/25 to include:

  • A Brief Report on Proposed Areas of International Harmonization article
  • CIOMS RWD and RWE in Regulatory Decision Making Report Summary


Duke-Margolis Project Team

Dr. Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, Research Director, Real World Evidence

Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, DHSc, MSc, MA

Research Director, Real-World Evidence
Senior Team Member

Maryam Nafie 2024 Headshot

Maryam Nafie

Policy Analyst

Valerie Parker Headshot

Valerie Parker, MS

Assistant Research Director