Maintaining Progress Toward Accountable Care And Payment Reform During A Pandemic, Part 1: Utilization And Financial Impact

health affairs

Blog Entry

Maintaining Progress Toward Accountable Care And Payment Reform During A Pandemic, Part 1: Utilization And Financial Impact

Duke-Margolis authors found that the COVID-19 pandemic will have a significant negative financial impact on Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) due to changes in utilization and expenditures but ACOs must be stabilized due to their ability to respond to pandemics. The first of a two-part series, the blog examines the financial impacts of COVID-19 on the nation’s largest payment reform program and potential policy implications.

Duke-Margolis Authors

Robert Saunders

Robert Saunders, PhD

Senior Research Director, Health Care Transformation
Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty

Mark McClellan

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD

Director of the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy
Robert J. Margolis, MD, Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy
Margolis Executive Core Faculty