Mark McClellan MD, PhD

Microphones in front of suit

Media Inquiries

Media inquiries for Dr. Mark McClellan should contact:

Patricia Green,

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD, is a physician-economist with extensive leadership experience in academics, government service, and the private sector to advance health care transormation, biomedical innovation, and population health. He is the Director of the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy at Duke University and in Washington DC, which develops evidence-based, practical policy solutions to improve health and the value of health care for all. Dr. McClellan has previously served as Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), and a Member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. Dr. McClellan’s academic work bridges clinical research, economic analysis, and policy evaluation to improve health care outcomes, access, and affordability. He is a member of the National Academy of Medicine and a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.  He is an independent board member for Alignment Health Care, Cigna, Johnson & Johnson, and PrognomIQ, and is an advisor for Arsenal Capital Group, Blackstone Life Sciences, and MITRE.  He chairs the National Academy of Medicine’s Leadership Consortium: Collaboration for a Learning Health System, and co-chairs the Executive Forum of the Health Care Payment Learning and Action Network.

Reddy KP, Jarrell K, Berkowitz C, Hulse S, Elmore LC, Fishman R, et al. Association Between Delayed/Forgone Medical Care and Resource Utilization Among Women with Breast Cancer in the United States. Ann Surg Oncol. 2025 Apr;32(4):2534–44.

Peppercorn J, Gelin M, Masteralexis TE, Zafar SY, Nipp RD. Screening for Financial Toxicity in Oncology Research and Practice: A Narrative Review. JCO Oncol Pract. 2025 Jan;21(1):5–11.

Patel MN, Mara A, Acker Y, Gollon J, Setji N, Walter J, et al. Machine Learning for Targeted Advance Care Planning in Cancer Patients: A Quality Improvement Study. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2024 Dec;68(6):539-547.e3.