Maintaining Progress Toward Accountable Care And Payment Reform During A Pandemic, Part 2: Immediate Issues And Short-Term Actions

health affairs

Blog Entry

Maintaining Progress Toward Accountable Care And Payment Reform During A Pandemic, Part 2: Immediate Issues And Short-Term Actions

A new blog from Duke-Margolis authors recommends that payers should support, reassure, and promise committed partnership to Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) to avoid their exit from the program. Second in a two-part series, the blog explores ways for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and private payers to support their ACOs by providing certain communications, clarifying and enhancing telehealth options, and invoking additional 1135 wavier powers beyond what has been used to-date.

Duke-Margolis Authors

Robert Saunders

Robert Saunders, PhD

Senior Research Director, Health Care Transformation
Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty

Mark McClellan

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD

Director of the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy
Robert J. Margolis, MD, Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy
Margolis Executive Core Faculty