Erin Soule PhD

Erin Soule Headshot

Research Team

Erin Soule, PhD


PhD in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology, Duke University

BS, Molecular Biology, Colgate University

Duke alumna Erin Soule, PhD, is a Assistant Research Director for the Institute’s Biomedical Innovation portfolio, where she works with the medical products development and regulations team, specifically the leading the Center’s FDA convener grant. Erin comes to Duke from a two year AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellowship at the U.S. Department of Defense. Her placement was with the Laboratories and Personnel Office in Research and Engineering, where she worked across the STEM Education and Outreach, Technology Transfer, and Laboratory Infrastructure portfolios. She was as a basic research postdoctoral researcher at the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland where her projects focused on the intersection of blood coagulation and inflammatory signalling. Erin completed her PhD in Pharmacology and Cancer Biology at Duke University in 2016, where she developed and characterized novel anticoagulant aptamer therapeutics. She received her Bachelor’s in molecular biology from Colgate University.