Fact Sheet: Community Action and Analysis Plan
Published date
A fact sheet summarizing the Community Action and Analysis Plan.
While CCHs exist across the country, North Carolina is working with CCHs on a larger scale than other states through its Healthy Opportunities Pilots Medicaid program. Our team studied North Carolina’s unique experience to develop a “Community Action and Analysis Plan.” That document identifies actions that current and future CCHs nationwide can take to begin, grow, and keep up their work in addressing health-related social needs. It identifies skills, partnerships, data abilities, and resources to support CCHs.
Community Action and Analysis Plan: Guidance and Resources for Community Care Hubs to Address Health-Related Social Needs Based on Lessons from North Carolina
Katie Huber, Brianna Van Stekelenburg, Veronica Marshall-Kirk, Yolande Pokam Tchuisseu, Rebecca Whitaker, Andrea Thoumi, Rob Saunders, Will Bleser

Duke Margolis Authors

Katie Huber, MPH
Policy Research Associate

Brianna Van Stekelenburg, MPP
Research Associate

Veronica Marshall-Kirk
2024 Margolis Intern

Rebecca Whitaker, PhD, MSPH
Research Director, North Carolina Health Care Transformation
Core Faculty Member
Senior Team Member

Robert Saunders, PhD
Senior Research Director, Health Care Transformation
Adjunct Associate Professor
Executive Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty
Alida Austin
Policy Research Assistant