Policy Brief
Hyperlocal Covid-19 Testing and Vaccination Strategies to Reach Communities with Low Vaccine Uptake
Published date
Hyperlocal Covid-19 Testing and Vaccination Strategies to Reach Communities with Low Vaccine Uptake:
Considerations for States and Localities
Executive Summary
Hyperlocal strategies that build on local partnerships and public health capacity are needed to address disparities in testing and vaccination uptake, especially as Covid-19 variants increase in prevalence in the United States. Mass Covid-19 testing programs at schools and workplaces are increasing as the Delta variant spreads, but such efforts are unevenly distributed across the country. This paper provides practical guidance to state and local health officials to ensure Covid-19 diagnostic testing and vaccinations are equitably accessible and distributed among communities experiencing low vaccine uptake. We spotlight illustrative examples that show how states and communities can use existing infrastructure as a starting point and modify strategies to meet each community’s needs. These examples are informed by interviews with state and local health officials representing three states and two localities as well as practitioners representing two community-based models. We synthesized findings based on these interviews into three guiding principles: tailoring approaches; delivering services and communications that are culturally responsive, linguistically accessible, and Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessible; and engaging community partners. Forward-looking strategies that stem from efforts outlined in this paper can increase state and local capacity to respond to ongoing and future public health crises in an equitable, timely, and community-responsive manner.
Duke-Margolis Affiliated Authors

Christina Silcox, PhD
Research Director, Digital Health
Adjunct Assistant Professor
Senior Team Member
Margolis Core Faculty

Nikhil Chaudhry, BA/BS '24
2021 Margolis Intern
Margolis Scholar

Jeremy Jacobs
2020 Margolis Intern
2021 Margolis Intern

Mark McClellan, MD, PhD
Director of the Duke-Margolis Institute for Health Policy
Robert J. Margolis, MD, Professor of Business, Medicine and Policy
Margolis Executive Core Faculty