2024 State of Real-World Evidence Policy
Agenda_2024 State of RWE Policy_7.24.24.pdf (127.27 KB)Speaker Bios_2024 State of RWE Policy.pdf (642.65 KB)
Slide Deck_2024 State of Real-World.pdf (6.25 MB)

Convened with the Duke-Margolis Real-World Evidence Collaborative, this public convening will provide a venue to review recent RWE Collaborative activities, strategic real-world data and real-world evidence (RWD/E) policy developments, and promising future applications of RWD/E.
This year, speakers will focus on a few key topics:
- Barriers to accessing high-quality, reliable, and relevant real-world health data sufficient for regulatory decisions
- Applications of artificial intelligence in RWE studies
- Opportunities to use RWD/E to inform payment and coverage decisions for novel technologies
Duke-Margolis Planning Team

Rachele Hendricks-Sturrup, DHSc, MSc, MA
Research Director, Real-World Evidence
Senior Team Member

Trevan Locke, PhD
Assistant Research Director

Maryam Nafie
Policy Analyst

Matt D'Ambrosio
Policy Analyst

Valerie Parker, MS
Assistant Research Director

Nora Emmott, MPH
Policy Research Associate